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Shift Interactive
RSVP for a Zoom invite at Your Place, IA
Second Tuesday every month

June 08, 2020

6:30pm - 7:30pm @ Virtual at

Discussion on dynamic, static sites, and going server-less

dsmJS and Web Geeks @DesMoinesJS

Remember the days when we could throw HTML on a server and call it good? Back when markup mattered and JavaScript was a progressive feature – everything we needed came from the server. Where did those static sites go? They’ve all but fallen out of favor compared to our modern instant feedback web apps served from the browser. Until now.

Like fashion, programing trends must be cyclical because static sites are back. It started with Jekyll, generating simple static HTML out of raw Markdown. Then became wildly popular with site generators like Gatsby. Now universal isomorphic apps are commonplace in modern programming. Hitting that sweet spot between the server-rendered static sites of yesterday and the cool new instant feedback of a modern web app.

What kind of apps are you building today? How would you like your apps rendered? Join DSM Web Geeks and DSM JS on a group video chat, June 8th. We’ll discuss implementation pitfalls, maintenance woes, or general optimism toward the state of dynamic and server-rendered web apps.

All are welcome. All you need to do is RSVP at Eventbrite and we’ll send you a meeting invite on the day of the discussion. Please spread the word and we will plan to see you there!